
Swan Christian College recognises academic excellence

The pending arrival of new College Principal Dr Darnelle Pretorius in Term Two has not stopped Acting Principal Mr Terry Eason and his team from recognising success in the classroom and honouring accomplishments.

Excelsior Awards were presented earlier this term at Swan (in recognition of students who graduate from Swan Christian College with ATAR results of 90 or above) and for students who have enjoyed success in university-bound programs.

Bene Factum Awards were granted to students who have successfully completed three or more VET certificate courses.

Along with these student-based awards, College staffer Ian Harris recently received a commendation from the Political and Legal Educators’ Association of Western Australia for being one of the top schools in the teaching of Politics and Law in the 2021 WACE program.

Well done to Ian and his team!

Excelsior and Bene Factum Award Winners

Swan staffer Ian Harris and Acting Principal Mr Terry Eason celebrate the teaching award this week

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