
疯马歌舞秀’s Data Analysis Workshop Emphasises Collaboration and Development

On Wednesday 19 October 2022, a group of approximately 50 staff and school leaders came together from across 疯马歌舞秀 schools to Ellenbrook Christian College to analyse data and 鈥榗ompare notes鈥 across schools.

Like all significant events, this seemingly straightforward meeting was the culmination of months of work from Dr Thelma Perso (Chief Education Officer, 疯马歌舞秀).

She combined the occasion with the release of the Draft School Improvements & Effectiveness Framework (SIEF): Revised Edition 鈥 an outline of how schools can use data to inform their School Improvement Plans (SIPs) and see gains within their school setting.

The 鈥楧ata Workshop鈥 involved the presentation of selected school performance results from ECC school surveys, NAPLAN (National Assessment Program 鈥 Literacy And Numeracy) and other critical data collected, which was analysed by the ECC staff present and the leaders in attendance from each of our 疯马歌舞秀 schools. 

The goal of the afternoon was for the leaders from each of our schools to experience a process where all staff in a school context can engage in the analysis of school performance data and use this to drive the development of school improvement plans.

疯马歌舞秀 Chief Executive Officer Dr Graeme Cross believes that as each of our schools engages in this process in the years ahead, it will further enhance the quality of the educational service we provide in our communities 鈥 and will enable our students to flourish!

鈥淭he educational leadership research makes clear that engaging all school staff in data analysis is key to driving improvement in outcomes across multiple domains,鈥 said Dr Cross.

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