ECC’s Mr Mike Pitman to retire at mid-year break

As per the CEO’s Update earlier this week, Mr Mike Pitman will conclude his time at Ellenbrook Christian College (ECC) at the end of Term 2, 2023.

Mr Pitman has led the College since late in 2019, and has steered the community through COVID, the MetroNET train line construction and several other challenges.

Enrolments have grown steadily since Mr Pitman stepped into the role, and the College now has more than 650 students who call the Santona Boulevard campus their educational ‘home’.

The College boasts more than 40 nationalities within its community and Mr Pitman has galvanised his staff team to embrace the diverse cultures and maintain a Christian perspective in their classrooms, sporting fields and playgrounds during his three years there.

Mr Pitman began teaching at Midland Christian School (now Swan Christian College: Junior Campus) in 1990 and then spent time in leadership positions at Midland, Kalamunda Christian School, Scot’s College Sydney, Southern Hills Christian College and now at Ellenbrook Christian College.

This week, staff at ECC remained positive and buoyant when hearing of Mr Pitman’s upcoming departure, with one staffer predicting that the potential absence of Mr Pitman (a Association member, grandparent and 30-year veteran of ) was being exaggerated:

“I expect that we will see Mike around the place. You know the old song – you can check out any time you like, Mike – but you can never leave!”

Such is the jovial spirit that Mr Pitman has engendered in his staff through regular staff worship sessions, communal meetings with all levels of staff and an emphasis on the joy that comes from following Jesus – individually and collectively.

In a recent visit to open the MetroNET underpass at the College, Ms Rita Saffioti MLA (WA State Minister for Transport) remarked that her dealings with Mr Pitman and the College over the past three years had been so good that Mr Pitman ‘could look to a second career in politics once his time in education is done.’

We are still trying to determine whether this was a compliment or an insult to Mr Pitman…!

Joking aside, there is much to celebrate in the life of this remarkable leader who has been nothing short of spectacular for the Ellenbrook community. We look forward to further celebrating Mr Pitman’s achievements in future editions of News.

The College Principal position is now being advertised on the Working With Us page now:

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