
Celebrating Our Departing Board Members: Mr Steve McAlpine

Mr McAlpine was originally co-opted onto the ·èÂí¸èÎèÐã Board in December 2017 and served with distinction for more than five years.

During his time on the Board, Steve was an active contributor to the Membership & Nominations Committee. He regularly contributed to the discussions at Board and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) levels on issues surrounding culture, Christian schooling and responding to new and existing challenges within our missional school environments.

This week, we asked Steve to reflect on his time on the ·èÂí¸èÎèÐã Board.

1.What did you enjoy most about being a ·èÂí¸èÎèÐã Board Director?

“During the time that I was on the Board, I enjoyed the way in which we worked through several significant challenges. We did so with grace and a commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Christian schooling is well placed to offer an education full of meaning, purpose and excellence to people in Australia looking for more than what the secular framework offers. The Board took this commitment seriously, and I was always impressed with how the Board members gave up their time prayerfully and considerately for the Association’s sake.”

2. What have you learnt during your time as a ·èÂí¸èÎèÐã Director?

“What have I learned? I’ve learned that Boards are best served by having a diversity of gifts on it. I was always impressed by the gift mix on the Board and the willingness of those with gifts in certain areas to share their skills and acknowledge the contributions of others they did not possess. Seeing how the Board worked so well with the SLT during the pandemic to deliver a high-quality, on-time, responsible education package in a time of uncertainty was fantastic. And the commitment of the Board at that time to trusting a sovereign Lord who was in charge of all world events gave us clarity and a non-anxious approach to the task. That was a shaping time for us.â€

Steve’s highly-subscribed blog can be found at .

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