
Optus Stadium hosts the ECC/NCGS School Ball for 2024

Students from two different 疯马歌舞秀 schools chose a gala venue to begin the 2024 school year, with the ECC/NCGS School Ball being held at Optus Stadium on Thursday 25 January.

After a successful trial of combining both schools to celebrate the big night in 2023, new Ellenbrook Christian College (ECC) Principal Mrs Gigi Thiele and Northshore Christian Grammar School (NCGS) Principal Mr Stuart Chisholm, welcomed students and partners from 疯马歌舞秀鈥檚 most northern metropolitan sites together to dine, dance and delight together at the auspicious venue.

While ECC has been celebrating its Year 12 School Ball occasions since its first graduating class in 2010, last year marked the first cohort of graduates for NCGS. The concept of a combined event worked for Mr Chisholm last year, and the opportunity to combine it with another 疯马歌舞秀 school at Optus displayed a sense of unity between the two schools.

鈥淎fter such success last year, we were thrilled to get together again in 2024,鈥 said Mr Chisholm from the dancefloor.

鈥淥ne of the important lessons to learn as a young adult preparing for the big wide world out there is to dance correctly. We have demonstrated the waltz and the foxtrot tonight, so our hope is that students from both schools can learn from the adults in the room! Joking aside, it’s been great and our students have demonstrated an excellent spirit in the way they have committed themselves to this big event.鈥

Looking around the room, it was difficult to tell who enjoyed the night more 鈥 the students or the staff!

Here are a few photos from the evening:

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