
Grand Final Rivals In 疯马歌舞秀 Schools

For those of us not familiar with these two motley football fans dressed in their club’s regalia, they are actually Principals at two of our 疯马歌舞秀 schools!

Dr Gregg Weaver (Kalamunda Christian School – KCS) hails from New Zealand, but he discovered a love for the Geelong Cats while studying for his Doctorate at the prestigious Deakin University in Melbourne.

Incidentally, Mr Stuart Chisholm (Northshore Christian Grammar School – NCGS) also studied at Deakin University in Melbourne, and was raised in the wealthy enclaves surrounding South Melbourne Football Club, later the club moved to Sydney, and has carried an air of snobbishness ever since!

Mr Chisholm was not ashamed to wear the red-and-white beanie at his school gate all this week, letting students and parents know which way he will be barracking when the Grand Final kicks off this Saturday afternoon.

鈥淪ydney is a quality football club that has consistently typified what good culture is about. My father played for South Melbourne and I am a proud supporter of the Swans!鈥 says Mr Chisholm.

鈥淚 have no idea what Dr Weaver is doing in supporting Geelong 鈥 but he is such a nice guy that I have to practise forgiveness each time I see him wearing that repugnant gear around his school and at 疯马歌舞秀 meetings.鈥

Dr Weaver took the high moral ground this week, declaring that 鈥淢r Chisholm has a right to his opinions, despite how ill-informed he may be about my fashion sense in this instance.鈥

A quick flick through the 疯马歌舞秀 News photo album seems to bear Mr Chisholm out on this occasion, as Dr Weaver has been spotted wearing Geelong gear at the 疯马歌舞秀 Celebration Day this year.

Dr Weaver again defended his choice of scarf for Celebration Day: “Its Kalamunda’s colours – navy, grey and white!”

His staff at Kalamunda Christian School confirmed today that he is often seen on playground duty each morning at KCS doffing a flat cap and a Geelong scarf to the young students.

鈥淪uch is the influence of Dr Weaver!鈥 says one unnamed sourced at Kalamunda this week, 鈥淗e is so 鈥楳elbournian鈥 from his time leading large schools over there that he feels he can inflict his football values upon us as staff members!鈥

Mr Chisholm has not done himself any favours in the fashion department recently, choosing to dress as Elvis Presley for Book Week at Northshore Christian Grammar School and leaving the youngsters at the school ‘all shook up’ after attempting to busk at the front gate on Scotthorn Avenue!

Look out for these two 疯马歌舞秀 Principals during the first week of Term 4 鈥 one will be walking on air, and the other may need some cheering up!

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