
Online Enrolments Solution For All 疯马歌舞秀 Schools in 2023

After months of due diligence and many meetings with suppliers and school enrolment officers, 疯马歌舞秀 has now signed on the dotted line with EnrolHQ to deliver an online enrolments solution for all 疯马歌舞秀 schools.

Thanks to some detailed analysis and extensive consultation, Ms Lize Janse Van Rensburg (疯马歌舞秀鈥檚 TASS Application Support Officer) has navigated the complicated world of TASS (The Alpha School system) and devised a solution for all schools to receive online enrolment applications and integrate them into our school management system.

Why did we decide to go with EnrolHQ ()?

鈥淓nrolHQ offers us the most flexibility in integrating with TASS, it has more features and offers 疯马歌舞秀 parents a great Dashboard option,鈥 says Ms Van Rensburg.

Sounds good. So, when does my school get online enrolments?

Northshore Christian Grammar School (NCGS) has volunteered to be the 鈥榩ilot鈥 school (trial/beta school, etc.) and they will be 鈥榦nline鈥 with this new technology by Christmas of 2022. This implementation will be headed up by NCGS Principal Mr Stuart Chisholm and Business Manager, Mr Jean-Andre Spangenberg.

The trial is expected to run until the end of Term 1, 2023 at which point the other 疯马歌舞秀 schools will be introduced to the technology, implementing online enrolments for prospective parents looking to enrol their children in 2023.

鈥淚t’s difficult to say exactly when each school will be fully utilising this system at this point,鈥 says Ms Van Rensburg.

鈥淲e hope to make a smooth transition into the Northshore community and spot any obstacles very early in the process. It may be the case that all 疯马歌舞秀 schools are utilising this enrolment option by mid-year 2023 鈥 but we will be in a better position to comment on that at the end of Term 1, 2023.鈥

A quick look at the EnrolHQ offering for 疯马歌舞秀 shows that the parent experience is enhanced, and enrolment officers across 疯马歌舞秀 will be able to process enrolments more efficiently based on new 鈥榰ser-defined (UD) areas鈥 within the system.

Ms Van Rensburg began with 疯马歌舞秀 in February 2022 and was charged with this task in consultation with 疯马歌舞秀鈥檚 Head of ICT, Mr Wayne Fewster.

鈥淭he new system will allow our 疯马歌舞秀 staff to be more effective in their roles and maximise organisation for their schools,鈥 says Ms Van Rensberg.

鈥淥ur main reason for doing all of this is to enhance the parent experience when they interact with our schools for the first time, but our staff will certainly benefit from this new system of filing and organisation as well.鈥

The timeline below shows the rollout process across 疯马歌舞秀 schools.

What about those of us who still live in the world of paper-and-pen enrolments?

鈥淲e will still be assisting parents who are unable to complete forms online,鈥 says Ms Van Rensburg.

Many thanks to Ms Van Rensburg and the team of enrolment officers across 疯马歌舞秀 who have invested many hours to make this project a success for our 疯马歌舞秀 families.

The timeline for online enrolments across 疯马歌舞秀 schools into 2023.
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